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Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 10

   Adding human interest to a post can appeal to people's emotion because the person reading the post
can maybe relate to the post or know someone they are close to that can relate to that particular post. Adding a personal experience to a post can help create this sense of trust and a bond between the business and customer. When someone reads a post from a business that they can relate to it makes them feel special. It makes sense to add a human interest when its a post that shares a story that maybe starts negative but because of the business's help creates a positive outcome. Another way that a sense of interest can add a human interest is when a business is doing a good deed. Adding a personal human interest to a post may not always be good because when it is a controversial topic that may only half of the audience can relate and make the other half of your audience maybe not want anything to do with your business.


  1. You make a really good point about controversial topics. You will never make everyone happy, but most businesses would probably would be wise to steer clear of highly contoversial topics.

  2. I agree, being able to relate is important.

  3. Excellent point regarding building trust and also about good deeds.


Week 17: Wrapping it up

    This class has been an enjoyable experience for me. I was able to broaden my knowledge with social media that I had, and also learn ab...